Welcome to my research journey!

I'm fascinated by the elusive nature of success—what makes some individuals, teams, and organizations flourish while others falter? I also love science and data, I can spend endless hours devising novel experiments or analyzing massive datasets. These interests drive me to conduct research aiming to break down barriers and empower people and organizations to achieve their highest potential. 

A particular fascination of mine is discovering what influences whether a creative idea is accepted and whether someone will have a long, prolific creative career. To explore these questions, I employ diverse methodologies, ranging from big data analytics, network analysis, natural language processing (NLP), to controlled experiments and surveys

Below you'll find the projects I've been working on, they are my efforts towards using science to improving how we understand and interact with the world around us. You can also use the navigation bar to explore each project in detail.

Is Your Network Boosting or Blocking Your Career? Insights from Big Data on Social Networks

For a detailed overview of the project, click here. For all analysis codes and results, visit my GitHub repository.

Are Positive Stereotypes Holding Back Your Business? What Experiments Tell Us About Hidden Bias in Startup Evaluation

For a detailed overview of the project, click here. For all analysis codes and results, visit my GitHub repository.

What Are Scientific Papers About? Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Find Major Topics Scientists Are Discussing

For a detailed overview of the project, click here. For all analysis codes and results, visit my GitHub repository.